Order DCPs

You can purchase an array of file formats and conversions through your account. This article focuses on creating a Digital Cinema Package (DCP).

In this article we'll learn about:

Creating a DCP

CineSend’s DCPs are studio-grade, made with DCI-compliant software. Included in the cost of a DCP is a Quality Assurance test carried out by our technicians. They will watch the DCP in full, ensuring no issues are present before providing you with the final product. 

To place an order, select the triple-dot icon to the right of your source video file, and then select “Order”, followed by "Order DCP".

Alternatively, you can select "New" at the top right corner of the screen, followed by "New order", and "Order DCP". 

If your video file is not already in the order box, drag and drop it in the "Drag video file" box. If needed, you can also drag in audio files and CC/subtitle files to their respective boxes. 

Enter your chosen DCP name, select Next... 

... and then select any additional items you'd like to add (optional). 

Select the turnaround time to receive your DCP (prices reflected in this example are in CAN dollars). 

Review your DCP order. Select a hard drive if needed, and then select “Add to Cart”. If you would like to add more orders to your account before checking out, you can get back to your project page at any time by selecting the “CineSend” icon at the top left.

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