Sharing Files

A key feature of CineSend is the ability to share your content quickly and securely.

In this article we'll learn how to:

  1. Share a file by e-mail
  2. Create a public sharing link
  3. Share a file with Aspera
  4. Send multiple files at once
  5. View sharing history
  6. Revoke access to a download link

Share a file by e-mail

To start, select the triple-dot icon to the right on you wish to send, and select "Share file":

All users have the option of sending DCPs and files for free with a standard download either via link via email, or by creating and sharing a download URL. This sharing option uses conventional in-browser downloads, similar to most other mainstream file sharing services. Once disadvantage is that if the download freezes or crashes, the recipients' browser may need to restart the download from the beginning. As such, we recommend using this option for smaller files, or if the recipient has good internet. 

Standard links for DCP downloads

If you send your DCP through a standard download link, the recipient will have to individually download each file within the DCP folder; they cannot download the whole DCP folder at once. Once all the files are downloaded, the recipient must add each file to a folder on their end to put the DCP back together again. 

Public sharing links

You can also obtain a shareable URL by selecting "Share", followed by "Share file", bringing you to the below. This download option does not utilize Aspera. 

Aspera download links

All CineSend users also the option to send their content through an Aspera download link, at an additional cost. Aspera is an accelerated file transfer technology built and maintained by IBM that requires the installation of a small application called IBM Connect. This application runs separately from the recipient's web browser and supports auto-resume if a download or connection is interrupted. In general, file downloads are faster, more reliable and more secure through this method; if the download freezes or the recipient's internet cuts out, they can simply resume the download from where it left off.

If the recipient has closed the browser and must resume the download, they can reopen the browser and select "Download" again. After selecting the same destination folder, the download will resume from where it left off. 

Alternatively, they can select the Aspera icon on the toolbar at the top of their screen, followed by "Activity", and can then select the 'Resume' button to the right of the file's transfer status bar (see red circle below). 

Send multiple files at once

To send several files together, simply create a folder in your project and add all the files you wish to send. Then, under "All Files", select the checkbox to the left of the folder. 

Near the top right of the screen, a "Share" button will appear. Select it, and choose whether you would like to send a standard download link or an Aspera download link. 

Sharing history

To review where you've sent a particular file, you can do so by selecting the triple-dot icon to the right of the file name, followed by "Share" and "Sharing history". 

Revoke access to a download link

You can expire a download link at any time through the file's "Sharing history". Simply select "Revoke", to the right of the download count. This action cannot be undone. 

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